This weekend we continue in our series called, IN not OF. We are working our way through the first three chapters of the book of Daniel.

The context of Daniel is Judah was defeated by the King of Babylon in 605 BC. Thousands of young men are taken captive and some are employed in Nebuchadnezzar's empire. The hero's of our text are four Jewish boys Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.

So far they have determined to represent God in their own lives in a way that caused them to push back against what was asked of them by the King. They then were caught up in a life or death situation regarding a dream that the King had.

This week we continue our study with Daniel who, through the power of God, is going to tell the King what his dream was and the interpretation of it. This will save the lives of many of the wise men in the kingdom and more importantly, introduce Nebuchadnezzar to God.

Join us this weekend as we continue our series on how we are to live in this world but not of it.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: