This weekend we continue in our series out of the Book of Daniel called, IN NOT OF. Christians are the "called out ones" who belong to God. We are to live our lives differently than everyone else around us. When we choose to follow Jesus, we are left in the world but we are told not to love the world or the things of it. We are to make sure that our love is first and foremost for God and our allegiance is to Him alone.

Now God has given us this life to enjoy and this world is our playground. As long as we put God first and love Him alone, we can enjoy the world and everything in it. So we are in the world but not of the world.

The book of Daniel tells us of a time in the nation of Israel's history when God allowed them to live in exile. Following defeat to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 605 BC, around 10,000 young men of royal linage were take by the King to serve in his vast empire. Daniel who was called Belteshazzar along with his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were tested and then employed in the empire as leaders. They first take a stand for God setting themselves apart. Next God begins to use them to reveal Himself to this pagan King.

This week we see how God does this in miraculous fashion. Join us for week 2 in this example of how we are to be In not Of the world.

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