Previous Episode: 1. Judges: Ehud
Next Episode: 3. Judges: Gideon

This weekend we continue in our series called "Judges". In this series we are learning about four of the leaders God raised up during the time after Joshua died and before they had a King. The nation of Israel was stuck in a bad cycle due to the influence of the Canaanites who lived in the land around them. The Canaanites did not fear or worship God in fact they were wicked people who pulled the people of God away from Him. The cycle the Isralites were in was this: Rebellion - Judgement - Repentance - Salvation. This week we will look at a leader who was strong, confident and respected, her name was Deborah. One of only three women who were prophets in the Bible, Deborah was the leader of Israel during the time they were subject to a Canaanite King named Jabin. Deborah led Israel to a miraculous victory that they should never have been able to pull off. Join us this weekend to be reminded that we follow a God who can do anything even when what we are facing looks impossible to overcome.

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