This weekend we begin a new series called JUDGES. We will be examining four of the Judges found in the book of the Bible with the same name. Israel has entered the land of Cannan under Joshua's leadership. Joshua has now died and there is no one leader to lead Israel. Israel has not obeyed God in driving out all the inhabitants of the Land and so their Pagan influence from those people is still around them. Israel rebels against God and is drawn away from God toward the Idolatry of the pagan people who live in the land. God judges His people by allowing neighboring Kings to conquer them and oppress them. At times after they cry out for help God raises up a Judge to defeat the oppressor and lead them to follow God again. There is a cycle the nation of Israel lives in for the entire book. The cycle is this; Rebellion, Judgment, Repentance, and Salvation. We can see our own struggle to follow God in this book. In this series we will try to learn from the mistakes of the nation of Israel. Join us this weekend as we dive into The Book Of Judges.

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