This weekend we continue in our series called CHRISTIANITY OVER CULTURE. In this series we are studying our way through the book of 1 Corinthians. This weekend we will look at one of the more famous chapters in the Bible which is 1 Corinthians 13. It is famously called the love chapter because it presents the most excellent way to live as followers of Christ. To become a follower of Jesus is to be commissioned to participate in God's work.

As we learned last week you are gifted to participate in the work of God. The way in which you use your gifts will determine their effectiveness. Chapter 13 deals with the motivation and the spirit with which we do the work of God. Our motivation must be Love if we are to really do God's work and have it count or matter in God's eyes. Love is the key to doing God's work and so we must be seeking and growing in how we love God and others. We can be gifted and powerful as we join God in his work but what matters more is that we love others like God loves us. Living in love matters most to God. Since it is true that we can only give away what we have received, how can we ensure that we are experiencing the love of God in our own lives so that we can give that love away to others?

Join us this weekend as we learn how God loves us and how we can love others. Love allows us to accomplish the mission God has called us to so let's learn to Love others like God loves us.

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