This weekend we continue in our series called CHRISTIANITY OVER CULTURE. This series is a study through the book of 1 Corinthians. The truth is that the culture in the first century city of Corinth closely mirrors our current culture today. These new believers in Corinth were struggling to grow and mature spiritually, to become a church that represented Jesus' culture and not the world around them. Every church has this struggle. It is not easy to overcome the influence of the world around us.

And so this week we see that Jesus has empowered His followers to participate in creating this culture. The truth is we find more fulfillment through engagement and participation. Jesus has created us this way, that is why the church is designed to encourage participation and involvement. When we trust in Jesus and begin following Him we are given special abilities from the Holy Spirit that are to be used to build the church. The truth is that nothing is so fulfilling and rewarding as when we are a part of building something important.

Join us this weekend for a message designed to encourage you to find that place where you belong and can contribute to the church that Jesus is building.

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