This weekend we begin a new series called "Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire - The Lies the Devil Tells Us". We will be looking at the key lies the Devil has been telling over the Millennia of human existence. He lied to Adam and Eve, He even tried to trick Jesus with some powerful lies. We may say we don't believe his lies but often we live like we do. In this series we will be confronting these lies and exposing them to the truth of what God says. God's word is truth and it is in the truth that we find life. Join us as we look at the first lie Satan tried to trick Jesus with, the lie was that your physical life is more important than your spiritual life. Jesus' response to the lie of Satan tells us the truth about what matters most and where our priority should be. If we get this right our lives will become spiritually powerful and we will begin to see the world around us change.

Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: