Another busy month and opportunities to get involved. Check out a few events and items of note coming up in August!

Hire Heroes USA Employment Workshop on August 8th: If you have not previously registered and worked with an HHUSA Transition Specialist, get started and knock out everything you need to be employment ready in one day. Your next step will be to show up for your job interview for your next career.

Hire Heroes USA Career Panel on August 9th: If you have previously registered with HHUSA, have everything done with your Transition Specialist, and are actively looking for your next career, then Career Day is for you. Hire Heroes USA Idaho Area Manager, Tony Torres, has lined up top-shelf Idaho employers who will conduct mock interviews, give the critical feedback you really need, and will take a hard look at the talent HHUSA has brought into the room - this could be you. This is not a job fair, this is an important step that could lead to your next career!

43INC Happy Hour on August 24th: It’s becoming a staple of networking and connecting for Mission43. Create opportunities you didn’t know existed. Standby for location!

Welcome Kits. As a thank you for providing a little more insight into the military population in our state, these will be shipped to everyone who takes our new survey. We’ll send you the highly sought after Mission43 trucker hat, Yeti-style M43 camo tumbler, and sticker pack.

Victory Kits. Our way of saying thank you for working with Hire Heroes USA to find your next career, or Guild Education to head back to school and earn your next degree. This is a big deal and it goes to the heart of why Mission43 exists. The Victory Kit includes a Timbuktu backpack, large M43 camo tumbler, and camo notebook. Keep an eye out - these are going to be a hot commodity!