A former U.S. Marine and an avid outdoorsman, Stephen is enjoying all that
Idaho lifestyle has to offer.  Beyond his love of the outdoors and
excursions into the backcountry, he is excelling in his role as the
Coordinator of Veteran’s Services at Lewis-Clark State College. 

A former U.S. Marine and an avid outdoorsman, Stephen is enjoying all that Idaho lifestyle has to offer. Beyond his love of the outdoors and excursions into the backcountry, he is excelling in his role as the Coordinator of Veteran’s Services at Lewis-Clark State College. In this diverse role, he serves as a liaison, advisor, and program coordinator, encouraging productive outcomes for veterans after they conclude their military service.  He is actively engaged in supporting transitioning veterans to maximize the use of the benefits they earned and assists them in finding a successful place in the civilian community.  

“I’ve been working to unite our student veterans and bring back the sense of family that they had in the military so that they can support one another in accomplishing their goals.   Mission43 has been an awesome resource in helping me accomplish this,” remarks Stephen.

As an ambassador of Mission43 at LCSC and beyond, Stephen encourages veteran participation in local community functions and networking events to rediscover that sense of belonging. In partnership with Mission43 and the University of Idaho Student Veterans, Stephen is spearheading the effort to conduct a “9/11 Moving Tribute to the Fallen” in Northern Idaho. He encourages veterans and their families to participate in this meaningful event. Stay tuned to the Mission43 events page on our website for more information about this upcoming Moving Tribute!