Previous Episode: A Gift from KeyBank

It is difficult to find a Veteran’s Day event that truly makes an impact on those it honors. In this case, a group of 10th grade students from One Stone school formed a group called Unite11 and reached out to Mission43 for assistance in developing their Veteran’s Day idea. They used the design thinking process, coupled with their reading of Sebastian Junger’s book Tribe, and developed a town-hall style event where veterans get up on an open mike and tell their story. We loved their approach and this was 100% student led.

Combat hardened veterans do not normally get up and tell their story. However, a group of high school students created an environment where this was possible and we witnessed heartfelt stories not about war, but about the people they served with in war. This is what they are most proud of and we are proud of what Unite11 created this past Veteran’s Day.