Team Red, White, and Blue is growing incredibly fast across the country, and this isn't happening because people just want to meet up for a run. It is happening because this organization invests in their volunteer leaders and then empowers them to grow in their local communities.

During the last weekend in April, we got to see firsthand what this looks like and we met absolute all-stars who embody the Eagle ethos and are on the front lines of enriching veterans lives. Twenty-four leaders from Northwest Region (California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Colorado, and Idaho) consolidated in Boise for the region's first ever Leadership Academy. This included discussions on Eagle leader attributes: empathy, authenticity, and engagement. They exchanged ideas and practices from across the region and in true RWB fashion, carried Old Glory on a scavenger hunt to discover the local iconic sites of Boise.

We were also lucky to have J.J. Pinter, the soon-to-be Executive Director of Team RWB, take part in the weekend. He highlighted what is happening nationally and where they are headed in the next few years.

Leader training, like this event in Boise, will continue to be an integral part of the strategy. They have over 2,000 volunteers in leadership roles across the country!

Behind the scenes, a transition to Salesforce is taking place which will be coupled with a very deliberate analysis of measuring how they are enriching member's lives and have partnered with Syracuse University to do this!

The Eagle brand, which so many are proud to wear, will be brought to us through a new partnership with GoRuck and their online store and fulfillment capability.

We couldn't be more proud to have the opportunity to work with Team Red, White, and Blue in Mission43. The Executive Director all the way down to our local chapter members in Idaho are incredible people. Come on out and get involved, there is plenty to do with the warmer weather!

Learn more about Team Red, White, and Blue!