Brian Von Herbulis (L), Mission43 INC and Brian Stann (R), Hire Heroes USA

First off, if you are reading this it is pretty much guaranteed our 43INC guest Brian Stann can beat you up. Why? Well he fought in the UFC. He played football at the United States Naval Academy (although he did lose to Army one of those years...Beat Navy!). He was a USMC infantry officer. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions leading men through intense combat near Al Qaim, Iraq in 2005. Now, he is the CEO of Hire Heroes USA which to-date has helped over 13,000 veterans and military spouses find employment.

Brian Stann clearly has an incredible resume, but he had the same problem a lot of veterans have transitioning out of the military. He tackled this head-on as soon as we got going in this 43INC session. When he left the USMC he made his own resume and it ended up being three pages long. How do you translate military experience for a civilian company? What does leading troops in combat have to do with leading teams outside of the military? This is what Hire Heroes USA does like no other veteran employment organization, and they are a making a huge impact for Mission43 members.

Brian’s message was strong. You are the one who is responsible for your transition. You have to choose to live the American dream. And if you do, the entire Hire Heroes USA organization will be behind you to support your transition. 

Click to learn more about Hire Heroes USA role in Mission43.

43INC Featuring Brian Stann, Hire Heroes USA

February 23, 2017 at the Olympic in Boise, Idaho. 43INC featuring Hire Heroes USA CEO, Brian Stann. Brian is the recipient of the Silver Star for his actions in Iraq, is a former UFC fighter, and UFC commentator for Fox Sports 1.