Here are all the details for those who signed up for this year’s 9.11 Miles of Remembrance. If you haven’t signed up, you can still do so here.

There are hundreds of others joining you to help honor and remember the events of September 11, 2001, so we are really looking forward to this. Here are a few final notes on the day’s events:

Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Show Time / Check-In: 5:00-5:30pm

Opening Ceremony / 5k Line-Up: 5:30pm

Location: Hockey rink at Eagle Bike Park in Eagle, Idaho (Google Maps Link)

PARKING: There are four lots (marked above) within walking distance of the event area. We are expecting over 500 people for this year's Miles of Remembrance so please be prepared to have to walk up from one of the lower lots.

Check-In: As you come down the sidewalk into the event area, one of our volunteers will get you checked-in (near the star above) and give you your food / drink bracelet. If you are bringing any friends or family who have not registered, they can easily sign-up on race day at the Mission43 tent.

Running Late? No worries, we'll get you checked-in quickly and you can head out on the course to catch up with the group.

To help with traffic flow along the course, we will line up in three groups that will be clearly marked in the start area. "A Group" is for the speed-demons who plan to run the whole thing. "B Group" is for those who like to dabble in both running and walking. "C Group" is the fun group, or those who will walk, talk, and have a great time.

There will be one water station at the half-way point. Big thanks to the SSG Aaron Butler Purple Heart Run crew who will have some tunes playing and help keep hydrated as you hit the home stretch.

The course will also be lined with signs depicting the timeline of key events of September 11, 2001. It's our goal to truly make this a Miles of Remembrance.

We have had a much bigger response to this year's Miles of Remembrance than expected, so we have already had to place two re-orders to keep up with demand. Bottom line, if you didn't receive your shirt we will have them on site at the event for pick-up. We apologize for any trouble and thank you for your patience.

Big shout out to our partners in swag who have made this happen, Name Brand Promotions. They have been working around the clock to keep up with orders!

When you check-in for the run you will receive a bracelet that is good for one plate of BBQ from Bodacious Pig and a beer from Powderhaus Brewing. Waters and sodas will also be available in coolers around the run area. Enjoy!

Unless you are bringing a service dog, we ask that you please don’t bring your dog (or cat). We all love dogs as much as the next person, but it will be pretty crowded on the course and in the event area.

At the end of the day, we are all doing this to honor and remember the events of September 11, 2001. For many, this is a way to help teach our children why service in the military or as a first responder has been so important.

On behalf of the entire Mission43 team, thank you and we hope you have an incredible time. If you have any questions please contact us using the form below.

See you there!


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