“A synchronicity is a meaningful event that leads to a set of experiences we want to have.” - Sky Nelson Isaacs
Synchronicity: noun. The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
Sky Nelson Isaacs is a physics educator, speaker, and author of Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World, which uses scientific research to explain acts of synchronicity. Sky has studied synchronicity and flow for the past 20 years and has shared his findings in academic articles and at events across the country.
Sky explains that while many of our experiences in life are difficult, if we can assume all events are leading us to our desired outcome, then we are able to fully embrace synchronicity and all that it brings. In Living in Flow, Sky introduces the LORAX process for bringing more synchronicity and flow into your life. 
So what does LORAX stand for and how can we use it? 
L - Listen to your circumstance(s)
O - Open your mind to the possibilities
R - Reflect on how these new possibilities could work 
R - Release attachment to the way you thought things would go, or your desired outcome
A - Take action and make a choice 
X - Repeat 
On this episode, Chad and Sky discuss what synchronicity is, how you can bring more of it into your life, and how being authentic allows you to live a life in flow.
Mission Daily and all of our podcasts are created with love by our team at Mission.orgWe own and operate a network of podcasts, and brand story studio designed to accelerate learning. Our clients include companies like Salesforce, Twilio, and Katerra who work with us because we produce results. To learn more and get our case studies, check out Mission.org/Studios.
If you’re tired of media and news that promotes fear, uncertainty, and doubt and want an antidote, you’ll want to subscribe to our daily newsletter at Mission.org. When you do, you’ll receive a mission-driven newsletter every morning that will help you start your day off right!

“A synchronicity is a meaningful event that leads to a set of experiences we want to have.” - Sky Nelson Isaacs

Synchronicity: noun. The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Sky Nelson Isaacs is a physics educator, speaker, and author of Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World, which uses scientific research to explain acts of synchronicity. Sky has studied synchronicity and flow for the past 20 years and has shared his findings in academic articles and at events across the country.

Sky explains that while many of our experiences in life are difficult, if we can assume all events are leading us to our desired outcome, then we are able to fully embrace synchronicity and all that it brings. In Living in Flow, Sky introduces the LORAX process for bringing more synchronicity and flow into your life. 

So what does LORAX stand for and how can we use it? 

L - Listen to your circumstance(s)

O - Open your mind to the possibilities

R - Reflect on how these new possibilities could work 

R - Release attachment to the way you thought things would go, or your desired outcome

A - Take action and make a choice 

X - Repeat 

On this episode, Chad and Sky discuss what synchronicity is, how you can bring more of it into your life, and how being authentic allows you to live a life in flow.


Mission Daily and all of our podcasts are created with love by our team at Mission.orgWe own and operate a network of podcasts, and brand story studio designed to accelerate learning. Our clients include companies like Salesforce, Twilio, and Katerra who work with us because we produce results. To learn more and get our case studies, check out Mission.org/Studios.

If you’re tired of media and news that promotes fear, uncertainty, and doubt and want an antidote, you’ll want to subscribe to our daily newsletter at Mission.org. When you do, you’ll receive a mission-driven newsletter every morning that will help you start your day off right!