“Have a plan, but don't have it so rigorous that you miss opportunities. Don't let people talk you out of what your gut thinks is the right thing.” — Mark Testoni
Today, Chad is joined by Mark Testoni CEO of SAP NS2. At the age of 20, Mark worked as a high school janitor but decided to turn the page and join the Air Force. He served in the military for 20 years, and since retiring , Mark has become an active spokesperson on veteran’s issues, discussing the importance of believing in yourself and building confidence. 
“Confidence builds on itself. One of the things we have to do as leaders is to create situations for the people around us, whether they are family members, employees, colleagues at work, to have the opportunity to succeed and in some cases fail and overcome those tactical failures.”
In 2013, Mark was the driving force behind the creation of NS2 Serves, an organization that provides technology training and employment assistance for veterans. He has helped 237 veterans graduate and be placed in high-tech careers, with another 100 projected to complete the program in 2019. His primary focus is on management, sales, consulting, product support, cloud-delivered applications and infrastructure, and go-to-market strategy. 
On this episode of Mission Daily, Chad and Mark discuss the importance of leaders having empathy, how to mitigate your weaknesses by surrounding yourself with the right people, and a few key takeaways on how NS2 has grown rapidly.  

Mission Daily and all of our podcasts are created with love by our team at Mission.org. We own and operate a network of podcasts, and brand story studio designed to accelerate learning. Our clients include companies like Salesforce, Twilio, and Katerra who work with us because we produce results. To learn more and get our case studies, check out Mission.org/Studios.
If you’re tired of media and news that promotes fear, uncertainty, and doubt and want an antidote, you’ll want to subscribe to our daily newsletter at Mission.org. When you do, you’ll receive a mission-driven newsletter every morning that will help you start your day off right!

“Have a plan, but don't have it so rigorous that you miss opportunities. Don't let people talk you out of what your gut thinks is the right thing.” — Mark Testoni

Today, Chad is joined by Mark Testoni CEO of SAP NS2. At the age of 20, Mark worked as a high school janitor but decided to turn the page and join the Air Force. He served in the military for 20 years, and since retiring , Mark has become an active spokesperson on veteran’s issues, discussing the importance of believing in yourself and building confidence. 

“Confidence builds on itself. One of the things we have to do as leaders is to create situations for the people around us, whether they are family members, employees, colleagues at work, to have the opportunity to succeed and in some cases fail and overcome those tactical failures.”

In 2013, Mark was the driving force behind the creation of NS2 Serves, an organization that provides technology training and employment assistance for veterans. He has helped 237 veterans graduate and be placed in high-tech careers, with another 100 projected to complete the program in 2019. His primary focus is on management, sales, consulting, product support, cloud-delivered applications and infrastructure, and go-to-market strategy. 

On this episode of Mission Daily, Chad and Mark discuss the importance of leaders having empathy, how to mitigate your weaknesses by surrounding yourself with the right people, and a few key takeaways on how NS2 has grown rapidly.  

Mission Daily and all of our podcasts are created with love by our team at Mission.org. We own and operate a network of podcasts, and brand story studio designed to accelerate learning. Our clients include companies like Salesforce, Twilio, and Katerra who work with us because we produce results. To learn more and get our case studies, check out Mission.org/Studios.

If you’re tired of media and news that promotes fear, uncertainty, and doubt and want an antidote, you’ll want to subscribe to our daily newsletter at Mission.org. When you do, you’ll receive a mission-driven newsletter every morning that will help you start your day off right!