Are you having a bonkers winter where you are at, my dear? I am going on day 3 this week, day 7 total, of being snowed in - we seriously haven't been able to get our cars (even my husband's truck) out of our road because of snow drifts for miles. 

It may sound crazy, especially if you live on a road that the city plows, but out in the sticks for us country bumpkins, it is just another day in the frozen tundra.

Just the other night in order to get home, we had to take a snowmobile to our place, with luggage! You have to listen to that story at the end of the podcast today, as well as all of our adventures of the snowstorm of February 2019.

Here's the thing: I could get upset, feel sorry for myself, and even complain all day long. But that wouldn't get me out of the house, or create any positives in my life.

So rather than whine, I decided to think about the biggest life lessons this snowpocalypse has taught me, and how you can create Snow ANGELS out of Snow, no matter what the storm of life is dumping on you.

I hope you enjoy today's episode and the 5 biggest life lessons from the snow!

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