Meet today's incredible guest, Erin Malecha. Erin is the creator of Abundant Keto - a group dedicated to helping women lose weight, gain confidence, and have more energy. Erin’s mission to help as many women as possible live a life of abundance stems from her own health struggles and auto-immune disease. 

Believe it or not, this now active woman was hospital-bed stricken and unable to have the energy she needed to even provide for her kids - she saw her future as bleak. 

After receiving a diagnosis of a debilitating auto-immune disease, Erin refused to let her suffering end her stamina. Hear how Erin battles and now manages her Ulcerative Colitis naturally, and how she has turned this struggle into an opportunity to bless, inspire, and create abundance in the lives of other women.  

For more information on Erin and how to join her community, head to

This is your one-stop shop for style, fashion, health and fitness. Deidra’s passion is to help empower women. Deidra is Mrs. Washington 2017, has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Whitworth University, and is a professional fashion stylist and health guru that helps women become more confident both inside and out.  Check out her story, free resources, and more at:

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