Even though Deidra has overcome her battle with insomnia, she still has occasions where she just simply doesn't sleep. Have you ever been there?    Rather than sulk and wallow in self-pity (which she has been there multiple times), Deidra decided to switch gears and start her day with gratitude. After refocusing, she was able to rearrange her day in order to put in the big rocks that really matter, and let the little things go.   Listen in for some amazing tools and resources that have helped Deidra get in to an attitude of gratitude for realizing that every day is a new day. Every thing that happens to can serve a purpose, so how can we see the positives in any problems.   links:  Girl Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis https://amzn.to/2nbkDvc Tony Robbins Priming Activity: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/priming-exercise/

Even though Deidra has overcome her battle with insomnia, she still has occasions where she just simply doesn't sleep. Have you ever been there?    Rather than sulk and wallow in self-pity (which she has been there multiple times), Deidra decided to switch gears and start her day with gratitude. After refocusing, she was able to rearrange her day in order to put in the big rocks that really matter, and let the little things go.   Listen in for some amazing tools and resources that have helped Deidra get in to an attitude of gratitude for realizing that every day is a new day. Every thing that happens to can serve a purpose, so how can we see the positives in any problems.   links:  Girl Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis https://amzn.to/2nbkDvc Tony Robbins Priming Activity: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/priming-exercise/