It's a short, weird episode.


Real responsibility/ Driving one of Voltron’s lions/ Action movie fears/ Eat the head?/ The right leg of a massive robot of death/ Skippers/ Wheelchair bound Voltron/ Picking up a healthy smoking habit/ The Ringer/ The Great Chair Scheme of 2017/ Harold is a weird word/ Collecting families like pogs/ The LOL/ APPARENTLY/ Chair scams/ Used Book Stores and their pets/ The Writer’s Block/ Hitting possums/ A story?/ Tommy’s haunted mirror story/ Quote of the day/ A new clothing brand/ Promiscuous Wear/ Updates on Danger Zone/ Correlations/ Resume to replace Tommy/ The end of Chris Vickers?/ Tommy is Mr. Negative/ a weird, horrible episode


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Intro: “Hard Times” by Dan “D-Boy” Amboy
Check out his music:

(Episode 158)