A Patriotic Uncle Sam Ghost/ This sucks, do that instead/ Shark Voodoo/ Hammerheads would like a word/ Hammerman/ Parachute Pants/ Hammer was my Homie/ Who would win in a rap battle: MC Hammer or the Fresh Prince?/ Cocky rapper laugh/ Tommy’s bathroom stall tale/ These parking lots/ Gotta get that Blanche/ Mighty Mean/ These olds are reckless in these parking lots/ Smelling like Tom Waits’ Coat/ Tom Waits rules, bro/ Rebooting Rambo in a parking lot/ Bazooka Joe/ Surfing Dude Personas/ Tommy has Matchbox Twenty conversations/ Stoic face and Pensive Eyes/ LA Looks/ A Big Bug Movie/ The Louisville Ladybug/ Randy’s problem with Sharknado/ The cast of 90210/ Online dating is weird/ When online dating meets reality/ Pointing and laughing/ Dating in the 1950s/ Tommy has a nun love story/ a penguin in the desert/ Snapchat/ One second interactions/ Randy’s Career Fair: a nostalgic blinks of attention/ The Big Date/ Wanted: New Co-host/ Tommy doesn’t like clean things any more/ The Writer’s Block/ Tommy references Tomb Raider/ Forgetting ideas/ The Elliptical Man/ Tommy thinks he has the Excalibur of phones/ Tommy’s inner thoughts: Pizza Day/ Tommy causes a civil war over pizza/ Interview questions/ Tokyo/ I am Piston Honda/ Move over Stan, Here comes a new idea, Spider-Man Two/ The last time I rode a bicycle/ Tommy rides bikes/ Tommy is getting his dream motorcycle/ Tommy gets Forrest Gumper


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Intro: “Hard Times” by Dan “D-Boy” Amboy
Check out his music: https://soundcloud.com/dan-amboy

(Episode 157)