Shannon has been part of the social media landscape for over ten years and shares that pretty much everything has changed since she began. She talks about why the attitude surrounding social media is one of the most prominent changes, comparing what her first social media job was like in 2008. Having started with handling the social media of the Detroit Red Wings, we hear about the differences of overseeing their activities and those of a bank.


There are eight people on Shannon’s team. She explains what each member does and reveals what helps her decide which type of content is needed. Shannon talks about one area that she has seen many social media programs fail in over the years. Michael adds in his own example of this mistake.


Neil asks Shannon for her thoughts on how she determines if a new marketing channel is worth getting involved with. A conversation ignites about Snapchat and Shannon’s fascination with influencers. Michael argues that the social media pendulum may swing back as more and more people are choosing to not use it at all.


Shannon talks about some of the statistics she sees regarding how different demographics do their banking. We learn about banking innovations that are happening in other countries and the responsibility of banks to protect consumer data. Neil brings up ways that some brands have been able to differentiate their business in revolutionary ways.