Hello from New York City. These are the ABCs of isolation. 

Welcome to the first episode in a special series about life under threat in NYC during the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to record Miracles in Manhattan episodes as you know them, but for the moment it feels important to apply some principles and just plain cope. So for a little while, buckle up to hear from two spiritual delinquents at the monthiversary of their last time outdoors. 

Each of the next 26 episodes will discuss life in a city  in that’s turned in on itself. Each will talk through what isolation feels like in the moment. Each episode will be themed to letters of the alphabet.

Today, A is for Addiction and Affluence, and what those things look like 30 days into the new not-quite-normal. 

Do us a favor. if you like anything you hear, share it with somebody you know who could use some fresh content. Hell, even if they hate it, they’ll thank you for putting something different into their day.

Till then enjoy episode 1 of what we’re calling the ABCedary of isolation. 

And stay in touch. MiraclesinManhattan.com. 

Peace and solidarity to you. And as ever, keep it wavy.