This story I'm about to share with you is one of major identity shifting. A time when I had unknowingly ruled something out of reach, until a very abundant minded friend urged me to see differently. I decided to play in the possibilites and my life was forever changed. 

Listen in and get curious about the opportunities you may have unknowingly blocked your own blessings, when in reality, the door is wide open, a way is being made, but you must walk through. Enjoy the show. xo 


Bali Retreat is happening Feb 6-11 and we are almost sold out! If you're feeling called to join me for this transformational and BLISSful Bali adventure, email me here for questions and enrollment!

All-Inclusive retreat does not include flight, but everything else is $3,990  (extended easy payment plan is available) 

Miracle Worker Method Spiritual Coach & Facilitator Training Program - 2024 cohort begins Feb 19th - early enrollment opens Jan 20 ~ stay tuned! 

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