Hello Miracle Workers!
Today we are talking about healing your body through a session with a womb shaman. In this episode Nichole is joined by second time guest, womb shaman, Anabel Vizcarra. They talk deep into Nichole's personal session and what it was like for her. How the session helped her when she was writing her book and why this type of work is so important.



Anabel Vizcarra is an Embodiment Mentor and Womb Shaman. 
She teaches women how to awaken and embody their wise and wild feminine wisdom.
Through her cultivated gnosis, she helps women trust their awakening process by reconnecting to their core source of wisdom, their womb. She believes that when women come back into working with their own body wisdom they are able to transform their lives, build their Queendom, and express their genius.
Anabel’s work is a synthesis of Womb Shamanism, Gene Keys Transmission, Ayurvedic medicine, Quantum Physics & Epigenetics. 


Is Shamanic Belly Work For You : READ MORE

Connect with Anabel:
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Thrive Masterclass 7/1 : Sign Up Here


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Oh Shift! by Nichole Sylvester:
Listen HereRead Here

Manifest with Nichole: 

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