Ask yourself, what can I do right now to redefine the way that I show up in my life, my business, for my health, or my relationships?

The truth is we don't know how many days we have here on this earth. What we do know is, that in the moment, we get to choose. In fact you have more choice than you realize. Choice on how you want to feel, see things, and or how to respond to them. Your ability to respond is empowered every time you take a moment to get silent, be still and ask, what do I really desire here?

In today’s episode we talk about letting go. Really letting go so we can focus on what it is we really want out of life. So what, if you are not great at something. So what, if you will fail more than once. That noise you hear inside your head, I hear it too. We are all part of the same human collective consciousness. Feel your way through those feelings of doubt but don’t hold onto them and stay in them.

Let go and make that shift. It will surprise you to see what you are truly capable of.

Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

Nichole  Sylvester

Nichole  delivers her  no nonsense wisdom  on awakening to the power of personal choice  and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here.  She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths  of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to  now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all  areas of their life.


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