Are you betting on yourself? Just think about that for a moment. Do I bet on myself? Betting on yourself means that you know you're going to win. You might not know how you know and there might be some challenges. There may be some moments of perceived loss, but at the end of the day, you know that you're worth betting on. How does that make you feel? That is what we are talking about on today's episode.

Have you signed up for Permission Granted yet? Imagine being supported and stretched for 4 weeks... mind/body/spirit...leaning into your best life.

Year of YOU 💫Choosing you, again and again.

No more settling, no more denying yourself.

A year of honoring the nudges and enjoying the pleasure on the other side of your YES.

✨I’m here to help you develop and tune into your connection to your intuition.

✨I’m here to be your mirror for MORE.

✨I’m here to love on you as you find your way back home to your TRUTH.

You are so powerful and it’s time to stop playing small...right freaking NOW.

If you’re ready to dissolve all that no longer serves, break the agreements you’ve made about yourself that keep you in hiding and SHINE bright and live must join us for Permission Granted.

You are worth the resources to do this work.

You deserve to be free from the heaviness that isn’t your truth.

If you’re willing, I want to support you! You will be so glad you said YES.

Let’s do this!

Sign up here:

Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT to a Harmonious Hustle!

Nichole  Sylvester

Nichole  delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice  and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths  of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all  areas of their life.

Download  your free:  Awaken  your Abundance  Activation Series  

Watch  transformation  videos by Nichole  on Youtube  

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