Has it ever crossed your mind what’s gonna happen if you were to die today? What about your kids? Who are they going to rely on? At one point in time, our life here on earth will expire. How do you prepare for something that’s bound to happen but don’t know when?

Find out how you can prepare for the inevitable as Mike Bennett of Helios Planning joins us to talk about estate planning - its benefits, the do’s and don’t, why you need to have one, and what can happen if you don’t have one. We will also talk about the myths and mistakes many make in estate planning and how one should go about it.

Mike Bennet is a Lead Estate Planner at Helios Integrated Planning where he helps and assists financial advisors and their clients with basic estate planning needs. 

If you want to learn how to ensure the safety of your assets and family, this episode is for you.


>> What is estate planning and the importance of having one

>> Mistakes people tend to make when it comes to estate planning

>> Having difficult conversations with your spouse/ family to prepare for the future

>> How people should be looking at trust

>> Setting an example for your kids


>> Mike Bennett - LinkedIn and Twitter @bennettsterchi

>> Helios Integrated Planning

If you loved this episode, you have to listen to these episodes as well:

>> Taking Off The Advisor Mask

>> Equality and Representation in the Finance Industry

>> No Need to Worry, My Accountant Handles That


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Want to chat with a fee-only financial planner? Shoot me an email at [email protected] Can't wait to meet you.

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