Welcome to the MindStory Speaker Podcast. Whether you speak as part of a job, or as part of your business, we believe that 100% of your success is an inner game. Speaking is like a performance sport, there's lots of pressure both on and off the platform.

This podcast is about the mindset and strategies you need to be an excellent speaker. The 4 types of people who listen are

1) Speakers who want to rise to the top of their game 

2) Speakers who want to leverage their income by adding the coaching skills

3) Coaches who want to leverage their income by adding speaking skills

4) People in a Mid Life Career Transition exploring speaking and coaching to turn their wisdom into wealth

Each episode brings you examples of personal development tools, intriguing stories, speaker marketing strategies, platform effectiveness, how to market yourself and more. You’ll hear from top performers in speaking (live and online), mindset, health, and marketing…about how to make a HUGE difference while also making a GREAT income.

Find out more at MINDSTORY COACHING ACADEMY www.MindStoryAcademy.com


Connect with Carla Rieger:

Facebook  LinkedIn  Private VIP Speaking Coaching  MindStory Certification Program MindStoryAcademy.com ArtistryofChange.com