It’s so amazing to suddenly have an important realization in your life…something that you hadn’t seen before. Most people have them occasionally. But, what if you could activate yourself to have epiphanies daily? Here’s a few methods for doing that, so you can catapult your life forward in amazing ways.  




02:45  – Sample questions to activate epiphanies  

09:25 –  What gets in the way of having epiphanies? 

20:00 – How to make sure the Lower Mind doesn’t block the Higher Mind 

27:00 – What to do if the epiphany is something you don’t want to hear  






THE ART OF REINVENTION: A 5-Step Process to Get Clarity if You are at a Crossroads in Life 


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It’s so amazing to suddenly have an important realization in your life…something that you hadn’t seen before. Most people have them occasionally. But, what if you could activate yourself to have epiphanies daily? Here’s a few methods for doing that, so you can catapult your life forward in amazing ways.  




02:45  – Sample questions to activate epiphanies  

09:25 –  What gets in the way of having epiphanies? 

20:00 – How to make sure the Lower Mind doesn’t block the Higher Mind 

27:00 – What to do if the epiphany is something you don’t want to hear  






THE ART OF REINVENTION: A 5-Step Process to Get Clarity if You are at a Crossroads in Life 


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Subscribe to the MindStory Speaker Podcast