Hello, and welcome to this episode of the Mindshare Mindcast. Sam Horn, CEO of Intrigue Agency and three times TEDx speaker, works with high-performing executives and innovative entrepreneurs to bring game-changing presentations, books and companies to life. Some of Sam's notable clients include Intel, Cisco, NASA, Accenture, and even Nationwide Insurance. She's the best-selling author of Tongue Fu!, it's a great name, POP! and Someday Is Not a Day in the Week. She's also been featured in the New York Times, on NPR. She's endorsed by some of our favorite authors and visionaries, like our own Seth Godin who we recently interviewed on the Mindcast and Stephen Covey. So if you've been struggling to grab and hold the attention of your audience without overwhelming them with content, you're going to love this episode. Sam, welcome to the Mindshare Mindcast.