Seems these days everyone’s looking for what’s missing. And I don’t know about you, but you could serve hundreds or even thousands of people in your business and still feel disconnected, lonely, even just get in a funk. And everyone’s noticing this stuff everywhere. It shows up in a lot of different ways, too. Addictions to social media or TV, drugs, alcohol, sex ... even work. Seems like everyone is starving, and no one’s getting what they really need.   Have you ever felt less than 100%? Maybe you thought you’re coming down with something. You’re overworked. You’re stressed out, just ready to retreat to the bedroom, pull the covers over your head, and sleep it off. But you couldn’t. You had to attend that family gathering or lead a workshop or attend a party you’re just not up for.   But once you got there, you felt a lot better. Well, that’s because you got your dose. And after recording this episode, I made a note to proactively seek my dose out.