This was quite an eye opening interview. I knew a little bit about Jacob but not all the details. At 10 years old his father Todd, went to prison. Jacob spent many of his formative years visiting his dad through the prison system. Growing up in Tweed Head, New South Wales in Australia he was lured into the lifestyle that had landed his father in prison. 

Partying and hanging out with biker gangs, Jacob would often be in fights and found himself making bad decisions. This soon landed him in a boys home at the end of high school. He then transitioned into an adult prison and was forced to quickly learn to survive.

Today Jacob and his dad have started an organization called About Time For Justice and they serve helping the young men who have been put through the different institutions try and regain their self confidence and get back on their feet.

At 29 years old this young man has come full circle and has found a new calling in life and is currently training to step into the ring and become a professional fighter!