Always fun when you can catch up with old friends and today's episode was certainly entertaining with Eddie Choi. Eddie was born to parents of Korean descent who immigrated to Canada in the mid '60's. Settling in the west end of Toronto in an area known as Rexdale most of the Choi's neighbors were Italian.

Young Eddie learned to like hockey by playing on the street with the neighbourhood kids and that passion turned into a life long commitment to the sport. Eddie excelled on the ice playing at the highest level of minor hockey and leading many championship teams. He then took his speed and scoring skills and put them to use for the Henry Carr Crusaders Jr team where that earned him a hockey scholarship to the Big 10 to play for Ohio State. After 4 years as a Buckeye Eddie decided to turn his playing passion into a teaching passion. 

At 50 years old he still laces up the skates everyday and uses the core values that he was raised with, family, respect, honor and commitment to instill those values in his young students. Although Eddie has seen the likes of PK Subban, John Tavares and many others pass through his schools he is most proud of the students who have become grown into hard working, respectable adults who embrace the same values that he used to guide them.

If you're interested in working with him you can find at Eddie at and @eddiechoihockey on Instagram.