In this next installment, Dennis Brouwer and I talk about undividing your attention, and he shares the keys to being able to listen to listen. This is truly a skill that will help you no matter what level or role you play in your business. 

Dennis Brouwer 

CEO, Leadership Enthusiast, and Award-winning Navy Tactician.  

The Brouwer Group  

Dennis Brouwer is the CEO of The Brouwer Group, a business analytics firm that helps companies become more competitive, agile and customer-focused. He has over two decades of experience as a senior leader in sales, marketing, and product development roles, including five years as an executive with P&L responsibility for a $300m global IT services business. 

He began his career as a naval flight officer and mission commander searching for Soviet submarines while deployed aboard USS Ranger and USS Enterprise. For the past five years, he has applied his military and business experience to the challenges of creative leadership, peak performance, and business strategy. He holds the certificate in leadership coaching from Georgetown University and is the author of “The Return on Leadership”, which focuses on the Vision, Engagement, and Execution as the key building blocks used by highly effective leaders 

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