Hello everyone! You may have noticed that we have not uploaded a new episode this month. Well, it's because we’re on a bit of a summer break. All of our lives have gotten a bit hectic this summer for various reasons. Instead of compromising on our research or the quality of the episodes we've decided to take a break and return to a monthly schedule at the end of September with a new episode. We’d like to thank everyone for listening and I am honestly floored that over a hundred people regularly listen. Thankyou to everyone who has subscribed and especially to the people who give us regular feedback and constructive criticism, foremost among these people is Cy who has been giving me editing advice since episode one. Also a big thank you to Avolov for making a remix of the Mind Games intro based on the great original one Grant did. You heard that at the end of the last episode. Please keep an eye on this feed, we’re NOT DEAD and we WILL BE BACK at the end of September with a new episode. As always, please get in touch at: [email protected]


More of Avolov's work: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6VyGnMxklltDgAo3XaqS6q?si=N_Jf_b5HTNOdy_gU-w02KA