#TrickeUp #MuteTheMedia #ChicagoStrike

The strike we are going to discuss is the one happening in Chicago right now. Auto Mechanics at more than 50 Chicago-area dealerships went on strike Monday after rejecting a contract offer. This came after months of bargaining. The auto mechanics were offered a contract inadequate counterproposal Saturday and 97% of the union members voted to turn down. Then 99% of the mechanics then voted to begin a strike. This strike has some real unity behind it. The union released a statement: "Withholding labor until fair working terms and conditions are agreed to is a Union member's last resort and the decision was not made lightly" This is not the first time this union has gone on strike for improved working conditions. In 2017, a strike that lasted over seven weeks took place after similar contract negotiations. This time around the union is demanding three primary issues be resolved.