#TrickleUp #MuteTheMedia #Covid #Desantis #Florida #DeltaVariant

More than 4.2 million kids have tested positive for Covid-19 since the pandemic began. An uptick in cases recently can be linked to the highly transmissible Delta variant that is now the dominant strain of covid in the country and the beginning of the school year. Currently, children and teens represented 19% of reported cases in the most recent data for last week. Children under 12 do not have an approved vaccine available to them. That demographic makes up 66% of all minors and 15% of the total population of the United States. This demographic is not expected to have an approved vaccine for several more months. The states Texas and Florida made up ⅓ of the covid cases last week and Idaho saw a specific surge in covid infections in babies and toddlers. As of Monday, the CDC reported 526 deaths among children ages 0-17. Among the 25 million US children between 12 and 17 years old, about 10.9 million have been vaccinated with at least one dose of vaccine, according to CDC data. In an effort to protect children we’re going to provide a link to the state board of education asking that they mandate masks in public schools until school age children are fully vaccinated. Let us know in the comments of your thoughts on whether or not you think schools will have to go remote like last year.