Often we find ourselves acting against ourselves and what we want and we don’t even know why it keeps happening over and over again. If you’re finding yourself rebelling against your weight loss plan, you don’t want to miss this episode!

As humans, we value freedom and if you feel like you’re being controlled in any way, your natural impulse is to rebel. And that’s okay. Because there are ways we can use this to our benefit, to HELP us in our weight loss efforts.

In this episode you’ll learn:

Why you’re self-sabotagingHow to create a weight loss plan that you won’t feel the need to rebel againstHow to make the most of your natural rebel 

For the full transcript visit: mindfulshape.com/transcripts

Instagram: @mindful_shape

Responsibility of Eating - Ellyn Satter
Fierce Compassion - Dr. Kristin Neff 

The full transcript Instagram: @mindful_shape Free Self Coaching Resources Interested in getting coached by me? Go to my website mindfulshape.com