Previous Episode: 56 : A MEDI FOR DEEP SLEEP

From the 3rd - 9th May I ran a week of mindfulness CCIA challenge over on my Instagram page. Each day you could join me on IG for a live ten minute medi (replays are in my feed) and then I dropped a daily mindfulness practice. Helping you cultivate the mindfulness habit.

It was a week to support you to show up and create space for yourself. A week to lower your stress and emotional reactivity and find more calm, clarity and focus.

I also asked that if you joined me for the week, loved the practices, started to feel positive changes within to please donate $20 to THE CHILDRENS CANCER INSTITUTE (CCIA). CCIA have a mission to end children's cancers. $20 to support and honour the 20 children being diagnosed with cancer each week. In this episode I share why we fundraise for CCIA each year at this time and the week of mindfulness. Diving into each of the practices that will help you to cultivate the mindfulness habit. There is so much GOODNESS in this one!

If you would like to donate please head to

- Why our family are so passionate about supporting The Children's Cancer Institute

- Do something with awareness (%:12)

- Practice gratitude (8:00)

- Use a mantra (10:15)

- Email and text mindfully (14:35)

- Ditch multitasking (17:25)

- Listen mindfully (20:55)

- Create a 5 min breathing practice (22:55)

Don't forget to follow me on IG at

Thank you for being here

Kirsty x