Today on the show, I speak with Nicole Sachs, LCSW.  Nicole has been working in the field of Mindbody Medicine for the past several decades, and has dedicated her life to helping people discover a life free from Chronic Pain.  Nicole is a practicing …


Today on the show, I speak with Nicole Sachs, LCSW.  Nicole has been working in the field of Mindbody Medicine for the past several decades, and has dedicated her life to helping people discover a life free from Chronic Pain.  Nicole is a practicing psychotherapist, and had worked as a close colleague of Dr. John Sarno’s for many years prior to his retirement in 2014.

Nicole talks with us today about how she guides people toward their own truth, which can lead them out of the throes of chronic pain without medication, exercise or surgery.  She is a chronic pain survivor herself, and with the help of Dr. Sarno, healed completely only after being told by numerous doctors that her spondylolisthesis was so advanced that she would never travel, exercise, or carry a baby to term without significant additional damage to her spine.   You’re going to LOVE her story and all she has to say in this episode!

ALSO, Nicole will be speaking at a LIVE event in Chicago on June 16th, 2018 at the Sheraton Northbrook Chicago Hotel – Click here to find out more!

In the episode, I also mention the video that got me hooked on Nicole’s work, which you can view HERE.

She has also developed an AMAZING course, which you can try out by getting your first lesson for FREE:  HERE.

And if you’re interested in watching her “HEALING YOURSELF” series that she posted on YouTube, you can find those HERE.

Click here to buy her incredibly helpful book on Amazon: The Meaning of Truth

Thanks so much for tuning in today; I hope to see you all in Chicago!  If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]

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**DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care.  It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**