Consciousness is shifting on the planet. People are waking up. Information is more available than ever before, and is constantly expanding. Our intuition is collectively getting stronger and our left-brained thinking mind is more willing and open to explore the depths of right-brained knowing. We …

Consciousness is shifting on the planet. People are waking up. Information is more available than ever before, and is constantly expanding. Our intuition is collectively getting stronger and our left-brained thinking mind is more willing and open to explore the depths of right-brained knowing.

We live in a fractal universe, the world that we see with our two eyes is, in fact, a hologram, where the same geometric patterns that appear within each and every one of our 60 trillion cells, is mirrored in every single thing that exists, all the way to the galaxies within the cosmos itself. Within everything that exists, the same fractal patterns are repeating over and over in more unique forms.

Our DNA is made up of two strands of nucleotides, each strand a perfect reflection of the other. Much like the Yin Yang of the Chinese “I Ching,” or the Book of Changes.

Today, I want you to begin to imagine the life that you’d like to be living right here and now. The life of your wildest dreams. Begin to feel the freedom within this simple imagining. Feel the freedom that is available to you within your imagination, because your imagination is where literally everything begins. You have to begin to trust that there are infinite possibilities available to you within this fractal universe, and know that you, right now, have the ability to access the laboratory of your DNA simply because you are alive.

Your DNA is
literally programmable, and it is simply waiting for you to input the
right code. Once it has heard your commands, it can run the new
program and build you a new reality, a new set of feelings, and a new

For a moment, I’d
like you to just look at the tip of your pointer finger. Just look
at your own skin. Within the tip of your finger there are millions
of tiny skin cells. If we were to take one single cell, and look at
it underneath a microscope, we’d see a layered sphere with an outer
membrane, an inner mantle, or cytoplasm, which holds the working
machinery of the cell, and a nucleus which contains the cell’s DNA
and it’s instructions. You have about 60 trillion of these within
your body, each one carries out various, complex, and intricate
tasks, but at the simplest level, every single cell in your body
right now is doing just two things: IT IS LISTENING AND

Every single cell is listening and responding to your current environment through the cellular membrane which is interpreting these environmental signals, relaying the instructions to the DNA, and then the DNA responds by activating the necessary machinery within the cell. This incredible process is happening within every single cell of your body all day long, with or without your input, whether you are awake or asleep, and will continue to do so as long as you are alive. There is awesome power within this knowledge, and I believe that each and every single one of you are capable of unlocking this power.

Your DNA is actually highly electromagnetically conductive. Which means that it is sensitive to electromagnetic waves. A super slight shift in your mood will trigger enough of an environmental signal to create a response from your DNA… yet most of us are entirely unaware of the fact that our moods, thoughts, beliefs, and general attitude literally shapes and molds our very bodies.

Our DNA is highly sensitive to all input from our environment, from the people we live with, to the food we eat, and the thoughts and beliefs we hold about literally everything. ALL of this is literally co-creating your body through your attitude. Your attitude determines the kind of electromagnetic signals that reach your genes. So, if you’re having a rough day, and your attitude reflects this, this attitude will foster a lower frequency impulse throughout your body. Your dna will respond to this by turning off certain hormonal pathways in your brain, which will result in your feeling sad, depressed or angry. If, however, you’re having a rough day, and are able to bring conscious awareness to your attitude and thereby shift your attitude and begin to laugh at yourself… then a high frequency signal will reach your genes and you’ll feel lighter and happier.

This is the basis of
the placebo effect. The attitude that one has toward a certain
modality or treatment is perhaps the most important variable in all
of scientific testing. This process of programming your DNA through
attitude is also the foundation of the science of EPIGENETICS, which
is the study of how the environment around you affects your genes.

Epigenetics is a really exciting newer branch of science, and it reveals that, at the quantum level, your environment IS your attitude. Which means, that one cannot possibly be a victim of their own DNA, or of fate. We can truly only be a victim of our own unique attitude to life– this explains why two people, under the same set of environmental circumstances, pressures and traumas can have such widely varied outcomes in relation to those circumstances. Every single word you utter, action you take, every thought, feeling, and story you tell about life itself is literally programming your DNA, and therefore your unique experience of reality.

This quantum shift in perception, I believe, is the reason that a certain percentage of people do experience the infamous “book cure” – what is happening in my eyes, is that they read, believe, and experience a quantum leap in their own attitude towards the pain, they have an instant 180 degree turn in their fear, and their bodies are able to shift in a seemingly miraculous moment of divine grace.

If your attitude is
indeed this potent, then what are some attitudinal shifts that YOU
could begin to resonate with that could help you get to that life you
envisioned at the beginning of our time together today?

First I want you to
inquire honestly… what is your current attitude toward any
symptoms in your body?

Are you still at odds with them? Do you still tell yourself the story that your body is working against you? Do you still maybe feel, deep down, like there might be something really unchangable and insurmountable about your particular situation? What kind of response do you feel like your DNA might be having to your particular attitude?

Listen on to hear how you can begin to shift this, and thereby, shift your body.

As always, thanks so much for tuning in! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on this show, please reach out!

[email protected] 

Also, if you’d like to be supported along your journey, please apply to work with me HERE.

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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program*