This episode is a stand-alone meditation that encourages you to hold space for yourself, your body, your mind, and your heart. This is a 15 minute meditation, and can be done as often as you like. I offer you this meditation today because I am …

This episode is a stand-alone meditation that encourages you to hold space for yourself, your body, your mind, and your heart. This is a 15 minute meditation, and can be done as often as you like.

I offer you this meditation today because I am seeing a lot of people in the Mindbody community who are unsuccessfully trying to “ignore” their pain. Ignoring, in my opinion, does NOT work, at least not long-term. This is an entirely new way to be with yourself and your body. I hope you enjoy. <3

If you’re interested in trying out what a short mind-body coaching conversation feels like, and don’t mind sharing your story on the air, you can apply to work with me HERE.

As always, thanks so much for tuning in! If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on this show, please reach out!

[email protected] 

Also, if you’d like to be supported along your journey, please apply to work with me HERE.

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**DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care. It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**

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