Ahhhh, the ego.  That confusing aspect of mind-body knowledge that we sort-of glaze over … that is, if you’re anything like me.  🙂 Today’s episode, I go over the three (am)egos: the Superego, the Ego, and the ID. The SUPEREGO: our inner parent, our moral …

Ahhhh, the ego.  That confusing aspect of mind-body knowledge that we sort-of glaze over … that is, if you’re anything like me. 

Today’s episode, I go over the three (am)egos: the Superego, the Ego, and the ID.

The SUPEREGO: our inner parent, our moral parent, our micromanaging aspect of ourselves who wishes we didn’t have emotions or desires or pleasure-seeking tendencies.

The ID: the inner child within that only cares about pleasure, and wishes to throw tantrums when life doesn’t reflect what it wants.

The EGO: the referee between the ID and Superego – that aspect of our persona that is just trying desperately to hold it all together.

This system is at the root of our inner tension.  The inner workings of ego are the inner workings of our inner conditinoing that we picked up from society, from our ubringing, from our peers.

When we learn about this in TMS education (I recommend Steve Ozanich’s The Great Pain Deception for the most in-depth discussion of ego), sometimes we tend to want to “get rid” of our egos.  We try to journal it away, and think it away, and try to otherwise muscle it into submission, just like we tend to do to our pain.  It doesn’t really work so well, does it?

What if, instead, we notice and allow all aspects of ego?  What if we turn toward it and let those lower ID emotions wash over us without judgement?

We can instead befriend the ego, we can ask it what it needs from us – we can ask “how can I serve you?” instead of wishing we felt different than we do.

Our ego just wants us to let it be human.  Our ego is just trying to help us FEEL.

Do not shy away.  Do not push aside.

These emotions are how we expand and grow and love more fully.

In one word: ALLOW.

As always, thanks so much for tuning in, guys!  If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on the show, please reach out!  [email protected] or [email protected]


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**DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care.  It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**