Today, I talk about different techniques you can use for your journaling practice.  Journaling is one of those things that surely seems like a chore, but it is the best way that I’ve found to handle the tougher moments in life.  I go over a …

Today, I talk about different techniques you can use for your journaling practice.  Journaling is one of those things that surely seems like a chore, but it is the best way that I’ve found to handle the tougher moments in life.  I go over a few different ideas for your practice, as well as reasons that you might find yourself stuck in your current practice.

The Sarno method for journaling:

Three Lists:

Current life pressures
Personality Traits

The purpose of our pain is to shield us from our shadow – or the parts of us that we’ve deemed unsafe for viewing/experiencing – these are usually the emotions of fear/anger and grief.  These are the emotions that are impolite, illogical, childish, or even violent.  So by bringing up these unwelcome parts of oursel

ves, we bring them into the light and see that they weren’t really all that scary to begin with.

For a deeper understanding of Nicole Sachs’ work on JournalSpeak, please check out her book, The Meaning Of Truth, or her YouTube Channel!

It is important to recognize that sometimes our journaling can become too raw, or too reinforcing and can keep us stuck if we just focus on the same old tough/negative/dark emotions over and over again.

This is where I recommend a few different techniques:

write a new ending to an old story
look for the meaning within an old traumatic event
ask questions about what the other people in your traumas were going through
ask yourself how it might have helped you evolve into a kinder more compassionate human being
ask yourself how you might be able to forgive that person

Other techniques:

Inner Child Journaling (writing with non-dominant hand in dialogue with your adult self/dominant hand)

Write a love letter to your body
Write an evidence sheet of things that feel good
Begin to manifest the feeling of a new body – tap into the emotions you will feel when you’re finally free!

Hope this might help you get started on your journaling journey – please let me know if you have any questions or ideas!

As always, thanks so much for tuning in, guys!  If you have your own healing story you’d like to share on the show, please reach out!  [email protected] or [email protected]

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**DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care.  It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**