Today, I answer a listener question that came through asking for perspectives on weight obsession following TMS healing.  This is something that I personally struggled with my whole life, and I know that I’m not unique in this struggle.  The messages we receive from the …

Today, I answer a listener question that came through asking for perspectives on weight obsession following TMS healing.  This is something that I personally struggled with my whole life, and I know that I’m not unique in this struggle.  The messages we receive from the media on what size is acceptable and what is not is deeply imbedded into our collective unconscious, so today, I offer  a few tips on how I helped my own mindset around my weight and body image, I read a quote by Dr. Linda Bacon from her book: Body Respect.  and we hear an abridged TED talk from Dr. Alia Crum which you can find HERE.

Alia Crum was also featured on the Like Mind, Like Body podcast which can be found HERE.

Mindset matters so much when it comes to weight and body image, so listen on to find out more!

Today’s episode ended with a clip from the song “Weigh” which is copyrighted material by the band Phish

Thanks SO much for listening!  And if you have your own healing story you’d like to share on the show, please reach out!  [email protected] or [email protected]

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**DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor and this or any other podcast hosted by Katelyn Michals, L.Ac. is not intended to replace traditional medical care.  It is important that you are evaluated by a physician before embarking on this or any other self-help program**