Food and herbal remedies are medicine and that they have the power to both prevent and heal diseases.

My guest this episode is Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, is the founder of the world’s #1 most visited natural health website, He is also the bestselling author of multiple books like Keto Diet, Eat Dirt, Collagen Diet, Gut Repair, and the most recent one, Ancient Remedies.

Dr. Axe has long been an advocate for traditional holistic medicine that enhances our health, both in the present and the long-term, and has helped millions of people achieve a healthier, happier life that is free from toxic, expensive pharmaceuticals. 

Today we discuss his latest book, ANCIENT REMEDIES, the first book to candidly explain the very best of these time- tested, life-enhancing practices, and shows readers how to use ancient prescriptions to lose weight, increase vitality, and treat more than 70 specific conditions, including autoimmune disease, IBD, chronic inflammation, and more.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in this episode:

[3:31] A big part of what got me to the natural health space was a health crisis in my family. 

[3:47] My family growing up, we didn’t know about natural health. We had no idea that it made a difference whether we ate french fries or blueberries. We just didn’t know the importance of nutrition.

[9:58] They all leech nutrients from the body. There is not a single medication, everything from aspirin to a chemotherapy drug all have a side effect and deplete your body from nutrients.

[16:25] We went back to her oncologist after 4 months. We got a call the next day about her CT Scan and her exact words were “This is highly unusual, we don’t typically see this but your tumors have shrunk by more than half. I wanna see you again in 9 months but keep doing what you’re doing.” Today it’s been about 15 years since then and my mom is in the best shape of her life.

[17:56] Food that looks like a certain body part is beneficial for them.

[28:57] You can tell different things, this is how you’re wired. All that being said, you can take a quiz to find out which element you are.

[29:24] If you come into a conflict, how do you respond? Some people respond with worry. So that’s going to affect their upper digestive system and their pancreas. They’re going to be more susceptible to acid reflux, diabetes, blood sugar issues. 

[35:14] Fire element as a nation, like the Hispanic culture, the Italian culture, are a very passionate culture. They’re passionate, loving, and love community. They’re most susceptible to high blood pressure and heart conditions.

[36:09] That being said, there is a specific diet for each one of those people to make sure you’re supporting that organ system. An example is the Keto diet is good for some people that are Fire elements, and some people that are Earth, and on occasion Metal. But Wood and Water elements will knock you out on a Keto diet. That would be terrible.   

[42:26] Have faith over fear.

[43:22] Get yourself in a good emotional state.

[44:54] I think that diet is 50% or less. I think your emotional state is just as important as what you’re putting in your body.

[46:10] The top nutrients we need to be getting in this order would be Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C. 

[46:53] So many people have placed themselves in a state of fear. We’re missing out on our community.

[47:32] Change your diet, work on your mindset and good things will come about.

[49:39] Start your morning with a spiritual triathlon, with a good breakfast, and a good workout, you’re setting yourself up well.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Ancient Remedies Book Amazon

Dr. Axe Website

Ancient Nutrition

Dr. Axe Facebook

Dr. Axe Instagram

Dr. Axe YouTube

Dr. Axe Books


Bare Essentials Free ebook

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