What if you were told that you had a brain tumor? What would you do?

My guest on this week’s episode Jamie Brown is a brain tumor survivor and tells his compelling story of courage and triumph.

With over thirty five years in the Entertainment Business, Jamie has worked with some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood. Such personalities like Chris Tucker, Eddie Murphy, and Michael Jackson top his A-list. 

In this inspirational episode Jamie and I chatted about his journey with healing from a rare tumour, and the many life lessons he learned along the way. We also talked about foods that have a low frequency that zap your energy and how people that are currently struggling with their health can get started today to achieve the results that they feel might be out of reach for them. 


In this episode Jamie and I chatted about:

[1:01]  The type of tumour that Jamie had is a very rare tumour only found in infants and children up to seven years of age.

[5:16]  Jamie's tumour has actually helped 2 million people worldwide. 

[6:12]  Attending Physician Neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta MD, along with a skilled team of medical doctors were instrumental in Jamie's remarkable recovery

[6:12]  How Jamie discovered he had a brain tumour

[6:12] Jamie's out of body experience when he was deceased for 15 minutes. 

[17:57]  The most important thing that I've learned in life is try. If you have not tried, you have not failed. 

[18:58]  Jamie on the power of reading, and how reading saved his life.

[18:58]  Jamie's book I ate My Way Back to Health So Can You. 

[28:51] As a nutrition consultant the one thing Jamie suggests people do to improve their health

[29:05]  Food has one primary purpose. The purpose of food is to give you life. 

[31:42]  The connection between the foods that we eat and those foods having life and those foods having energy

[32:02]  Everything in life has a frequency 

[33:57]  With every bite, you're either fueling health, or you're fuelling disease, it's one or the other. 

[34:10]  Benefits of an alkaline diet


Jamie's Website

Grab Jamie’s Book 

Follow Jamie on Instagram

FREE E-book Bare Essentials

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Food and Healing: How What You Eat Determines Your Health, Your Well-Being, and the Quality of Your Life

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