Do you want to know the #1 reason churches don't grow? What if this is the reason your church isn't growing? Would you still want to know? 

In this episode, I am going to tell you the #1 reason churches don't grow. It is a fixable problem, but it may hurt a little bit. So, proceed with caution because not everyone is able to hear this. As a Ministry Hacker, I hope you can. 

Let's Partner This Summer Together

I have studied the lives of pastors for decades and those who are living their dream lives have a few things in common. What I have done is take those commonalities and developed a simple 5-step Framework to help you discover your Dream Life in Ministry.

If you would like to begin your Dream Life in Ministry, I want to invite you to go to, and sign up to partner with me so we can discover your Dream Life in Ministry.

I believe every pastor should be allowed to pastor a growing, healthy church while also living a healthy life, and you are no different.

Go to and let’s get started pursuing your Dream Life In Ministry together.