I had two conversations with pastors today that are one of the keys to your Dream Life in Ministry. In this episode, I am going to tell you what we talked about, what the end result was, and how it is directly related to you and your life in ministry. 

Let's Partner This Summer Together

I have studied the lives of pastors for decades and those who are living their dream lives have a few things in common. What I have done is take those commonalities and developed a simple 5-step Framework to help you discover your Dream Life in Ministry.

If you would like to begin your Dream Life in Ministry, I want to invite you to go to ministryhackers.com/dreamlife, and sign up to partner with me so we can discover your Dream Life in Ministry.

I believe every pastor should be allowed to pastor a growing, healthy church while also living a healthy life, and you are no different.

Go to https://ministryhackers.com/dreamlife and let’s get started pursuing your Dream Life In Ministry together.