I have heard all the criticisms of standardized assessments, personality profiles, and strengths inventories, but despite all the criticisms, I still say they are an invaluable tool that you should be using as a pastor. In this episode, Jason and I are going to show exactly how standardized tests can help you be a more productive and effective pastor so that you can see God move in greater ways through your leadership, love, and influence to the people he has entrusted to you. 


"How to Skyrocket Your Pastoral Staff’s Productivity" Challenge

If you are a Lead Pastor and you feel like your pastoral staff has more potential than what you see on a day-to-day basis, this challenge is for you. This FREE 5-day challenge will show you exactly what you need to do to transform your pastoral staff into high performers so that you can spend more time with your family while pastoring a growing church.

We will go live starting May 3 for 5 days and show you exactly what you need to do to skyrocket your pastoral staff's productivity using the StrengthFinder Assessment.

To join the FREE challenge, all you need to do is go to ministryhackers.com/challenge and sign up.